Last night I had a dream that a giant goldfish came out of the drain while I was in the shower in a giant 4-story home where I lived on the 2nd floor with a couple with a baby, but nobody cared about the giant goldfish because somebody related to me had just given birth to a baby and everybody (and by everybody I mean my cousin and this girl I used to work with?) was all obsessed with the baby. I was in my towel like, "you guys, a GOLDFISH. In the BATH." And they were like "BABIES BABIES BABIES BABIES".

image via autostraddle's prop 8 recap, a thing totally unrelated to my dream
What does this mean in my life. Please advise.
penis envy. everything always means penis envy.
When someone gives birth in a dream it is bad luck for the person who had the baby...
sigmundfreud: shit. that is most definitely what it means.
anonymous: really? that's so weird. i thought babies were supposed to be good things. i can't remember whose baby it was in my dream though.
ikr. genius. 8=======D
-puffs cocaine pipe-
Lol idk for sure? That's what I have always been told. And if someone dies in the dream it is supposed to be good luck for the one who dies
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